Sunday, June 15, 2008

June 14-15 "Blue Marlana"

The "Blue Marlana" crew had an awesome trip despite mother nature's antics saturday night.

We initially planned on fishing friday night and saturday in the PBGFC intraclub tournament. Unfortunately, routine maintenance on the Cabo was delayed, (aftercooler and heat exchanger service took a little longer than anticipated) so we ended up leaving saturday afternoon.

The crew consisted of Josh Hiller, Marlana and Wes Sherouse. Dave Woodley was sorely missed, but we understand about father's day and all. (just don't let it happen again's not the same without you!)

We left the dock Saturday around 1400 and headed for the elbow. Wade and the Bodacious crew were kind enough to share some info on a great line east of the area. (where they slaughtered a few friday) A couple hours later and we pulled the throttles back to find green water. Wade said...go we did. Sure enough we came upon a nice rip with blue/green on one side and green on the other. It went on forever! As soon as we put lines in we had a nice wahoo in the boat...followed by a few more shortly thereafter. We worked this line for a few hours and then decided to head south. (as we planned on swordfishing at the steps) We left the nice line, (thanks again guys...I appreciate the shared info!) and headed south.

We arrived a little north of the dumping grounds around 7pm, and found another nice line. We started working this line as the sun began to set. Marlana asked Wes and Josh, "do marlin hit when it's this late." No sooner do the words get out of her mouth and and white Makaira pulling lure gets nailed and starts singing that sweet sound. Marlana made quick work of the fish (about 30 minutes) and Josh did a great job wiring, with Wes placing the tag. the first bill (hopefully not the last) of the year. This fish was small, but put on an incredible aerial display. There was another boat very close by, but I'm not sure which one. I initially thought it was a white marlin, but when we got it to the boat, we were surprised to see the classic dorsal and pec fins of a blue. Cool!

We then headed a little further south to set out the sword spread. Well, mother nature had other plans for us that night. The gulf of thunderstorms kicked up a fury that night. I don't think I have ever been in a lightning storm of that magnitude. Unfortunately, the storm covered the entire gulf, and there was no escape. So, my crew did what they thought was best, and went to sleep! I stared at the sirius weather (blinded by the lightning) all night, and was delighted to see the morning sunrise.

We dodged a few storms in the morning, and put a few more hooters in the boat. We even caught one on a balyhoo/circle hook combo! (even though he ate the leader in the boat) We started working our way north when we had a double header. Wes was fighting another wahoo, and Hiller had another pointy nose fish on a circle hook/naked hoo. Unfortunately, the billfish (this one much bigger than the little guy we caught the night before) came unbuttoned. We were a little upset about losing the big blue, but that's fishing.

A little later Marlana caught a nice dolphin that Wes gaffed the eyeballs out of. (literally) I guess I can't complain when he's nailing every fish in the head, but come would be nice to take a pic of the fish with it's eyeballs intact! The darn thing weighed 40# at outcast..not Marlana's record, but a respectable fish. It might of gone more if it had it's orbs in place Wes! (check out the pic of the eye with the muscle still attached...pretty awesome stuff...hopefully PETA won't check it out)

Overall, we had a blast. Josh did a great job filling in as wireman for Woodley, (don't worry still 'da man!) and Wes earned a place as steel swinger on the boat. The pics of the blue didn't come out very well, as Wes is a retard, (and it was dark at the time) but I will post them when he sends them to me.

See you all next week in the MBGFC Ladies. Anyone fishing this week....get down on that line east of the elbow....there's plenty of fish on it for all!