Monday, May 26, 2008

MBGFC Memorial Day 2008

We headed out friday night, anticipating an ass whoopin' as the weather was forecasting 6 footers. We were pleasantly surprised by a gentle 2 foot rolling sea that made for a smooth ride out.

At sun-up we were at the steps trolling a decent push in blue-green water. After a few hours and only one mahi...we decided to move further south towards the double nipple. The water kept getting worse, and was almost brown near the double nipple, so we decided to run back east. We spent the next several hours in green water mixed with river debris. We trolled by logs, trees, and just about any kind of flotsam you could imagine. Unfortunately, no bites.

I gave Roffs a holler on the sat phone, and they were kind enough to give me some updated info. They were right on the money, and we finally found some beautiful blue water with bait and grass lines everywhere. Once again, our excitement was exstinguished by the lack of bites. I think we had a few mahi in the spread, mostly chickens.

We set up on the sock southeast of the spur saturday night, and put the sword baits out. After a few minutes, Marlana and Dave had a sword swimming by the boat with our bait in its mouth. (the fish didn't know it was hooked yet) Marlana reeled in the slack, and Dave grabbed the wire for a record (on our boat) 30 second sword catch. The fish came unhooked at the boat and made a quick dash for freedom, but I managed to stick a gaff in his ass (literally) before he swam away. As the fish was green as hell, he about beat the tar out of me and Woodley. Fortunately, Wes managed to stick a second gaff in his head, and drag him overboard. Still green, Marlana gave the fish a little rum, which settled him right down. We were all pretty tired, so after two more sword bites everyone decided to hit the hay.

The next day was much of the same. High hopes, but few fish. Josh had one decent mahi to the boat, but that was it. A few billfish were seen in the area, but we didn't have the first pointy-nose fish in the spread.

All in all, it was tough fishing. Nonetheless, the crew and mother nature made for a great weekend on the water. We had absolutely beautiful seas, with a gentle cool breeze to keep things pleasant. Hiller co-captained and let me get some sleep...thanks. Wes and Woodley managed not to kill eachother. Marlana kept us well things were grand. Until next time....tight lines.

I almost forgot the giant squid we found along the way. Calamari Baby!