Sunday, July 6, 2008

PBGFC International 2008

The water was not looking good close in, so we decided to strap on a fuel bladder. We wanted to make the long run we thought would be necessary to get to good water. That turned out to be not the best idea.
We strapped the bladder on the bow, and secured it with a four point harness that came with the bladder. When we got to the pass, the one ft or less did not apply to a churned up pass with an outgoing tide. It was stacked up a good 3 ft, and the bladder started to slide off the boat.
Luckily, Woodley and Josh were able to secure it until we headed back to the dock. We made a few calls, and Barry Cole came to the rescue with 100 gallons of fuel tanks. (thanks saved us!) We off-loaded the fuel in to the cans, and finally headed back out around 0300.
Well, without the extra fuel, and with it being so late, we decided to change strategy and fish in closer. We headed to the spur, and fished it hard in the morning. Nothing there, so we headed east, and fished the squiggle and further south. We did manage to put a a few nice wahoo in the boat. The biggest was 43.6. Not big enough to win anything, but I was proud that Marlana caught it on a circle hook/balyhoo rig with mono, and kept the pressure on so we didn't get cut off.
The next day we fished hard. For the most part it was SLOW, but we did have our shots. We went 0/3 on Billfish. (whitey, blue, and sail) Tough to miss a possible slam! Unfortunately, we could not convert. I was happy to get the shots in the lousy water, but next time we'll keep the rubber hooks in the boat.
Congrats to those that caught a few nice fish, and to those that tagged some billfish.
Thanks as always to my hard working crew Josh Hiller, Dave Woodley, Wes Sherouse, and Marlana.
See you next time.