Monday, May 5, 2008


Headed out for a quick shakedown trip to the nipple with Josh this morning. The water was blue-green, lifeless and cold (72.9). Scattered grass, but very little bait. We decided to call it quits after a few hours, and headed in to do some bottom fishing. Caught some nice snapper in federal waters that had to go back, and a nice warsaw that hit a rigged, leftover balyhoo.

We came in to state waters for some snapper, then called it a day. Beautiful day out there. Following seas on the ride out (2-4ft) and the wind shifted to the south for our trip home. The seas were flat riding in, and we made it to the slip in no time.

Good to get out there. Overall, the "Blue Marlana" ran great. Just a few things to fix before the tournament in a few weeks.