Tuesday, April 29, 2008

28 July 2007

I didn't think we were going to fish today. Marlana left for work at 0700, and I expected her to be gone all day. Well, she called me at 0900 and said, "get the boat ready, I'm getting out of work early." I quickly loaded the truck, and tried to call the boys. Little did I know that getting my crew together would be so challenging. Hiller decided that since we weren't supposed to fish today, that he would go and stay out partying all night. (oh to be young again...I remember those days) Finally, around 1030 he reluctantly answered my incessant calls...and met us at the boat around noon. We put lines in at the nipple around 1330, and decided to troll around there for a little while. The water was greenish/blue, but there was lots of bait. We played in a few rain storms, saw some friends out there, but didn't get a nibble. So, around 1530 I headed southeast where the water looked a lot better. I was thinking this area was looking very fishy when the port flat line starts singing. I look down to see a big blue attached to it, then she comes unglued, and heads directly for the starboard flat line. She nails the pink and white schneider, but misses the hooks. Hiller makes a great drop on her, but she was gone. We circled back a few times, but never saw her again. Man, that was a nice fish! We troll a few more miles south, and get some nice open water mahi to the boat. Around 1615 we see a billfish nailing the way back blue/white islander. Time to feed her......she's on! Marlana makes quick work of her on a 50W, and Hiller does an outstanding job wiring her for an easy tag by yours truly. (man I hate coming out of the tower, but it was just the three of us today....we missed you woodley!!!!!!!!) The seas were awesome all day. It never got over 3ft or so, and that wind really kept things cool. We trolled some more until around 1930, and decided to head in. We made 28kts all the way to the dock, where we had a cocktail, cleaned the boat, and headed for home. I hope everyone enjoyed the tournaments this weekend. It was a georgeous day to be alive! Tight lines, Dave