Tuesday, April 29, 2008

23 July 2007

We headed out the pass around 1600 sunday night and were met with slick calm seas. Our plan was to put lines in at the nipple, and troll towards the spur for some evening swording. Well, about 20 minutes later, we had a fiesty little white crash the port flat line...then the starboard short rigger....only to come unglued. An hour later and we were 0/3 on whites. Those little guys can be quite frustrating at times! We ended up at the spur around dark, and set up for some swording. The water was not very clean, and I didn't have a great feeling about the evening's fishing. Hiller fired up the grill and cooked us some mighty fine vittles. We all sat around looking at the crazy stuff that comes up in the lights. At around 0100, the crew decided to get some rest, and headed below. This was the first trip this year without a sword bite....oh well. Hiller did manage to molest a cute little puffer fish before sending him on his way. Josh and I manned the watch, and had an eerie feeling that mother nature was going to have a little surprise for us that night. Sure enough, around 0200 the wind started to blow, and the storms started popping up on radar. I don't think anyone got a lot of sleep last night, as the seas were an easy 3-4 all night. We put lines in around 0600 today and started trolling north, as the line of squalls kept getting bigger and bigger. We did get a nice little hit around 0900, that fell for Josh's "secret" lure. After a nice drop-back, Marlana was hooked up solidly to her first whitey. About twenty minutes later, Woodley had a feisty little white by the bill, and Josh made a nice tag. I think this was Marlana's 4th billfish she fought, but the first one tagged.....so she got a nice dunking at Seville by her loving husband. (sorry dear) The seas kept building, so we decided to run back in. Back at the dock around noon and on the couch by 1400 for a little siesta. We'll be back out there this week. Hope to see y'all! Dave