Saturday, September 13, 2014

9/13 BlueMarlin, swordfish and wahoo

Headed out last night around 1830 or so, and eased down to the swordfish grounds. Got there around 2230, and began to deploy the baits. Hooked this sword a few minutes after setting the shallow rod. (Moon hadn't risen yet). This fish was by far the strongest swordfish Marlana has fought. It took her a solid 2 hours to land the fatty. We took a few pics, and she went to bed after telling me I better not expect her to fight another one.

So I played with the puffer fish and flyers until around 2 am, then settled into the bean bag for a little relaxation.

As the sun rose, we motored around the spur hoping for bite or two, but were quickly disappointed. We decided to go work some other areas a few miles south, and were happy to see a blue marlin crash the spread. She made quick work of that fish, with a healthy release after a 20" fight. (Video to come)

We ended up losing another big blue just south of the nipple when she spit the hooks during a jump. We did manage a nice hoo a little over 50#, but that was about it for the day.

We dodged a few thunderstorms, but all in all a beautiful day on the water.