As usual, the PBGFC crew put on an awesome event. My crew and I would like to thank them for their hard work...we had a blast.
Quick report...then off to get some much needed rest:
We headed out Friday evening and were greeted with calm seas. We ran about 70 miles, then eased back and 9 knotted our way to the Deep Water Nautilus. At daylight we decided to head south to look for something fishy, but couldn't buy a bite. So, we eased on back west....and got caught in some nice little thunderstorms. Finally, the storms eased off, and we made our way back to the Nautilus. First pass...wham..white marlin on. Marlana was making quick work of this fish when it decided to do some tail-walking and spit the hook. Damn...0/1. We made a few more passes, then headed a few miles north of the Nautilus to find a beautiful blue/green rip. There was bait everywhere, and only one other center console on the line. We worked the line for a little bit, and caught a bunch of dolphin all around 20#.
About 30 minutes later we spot a lit-up blue feeding on bait just off our bow. This fish turned into our spread, and crashed the flat line daisy chain. We tried to drop a bait to it, but we never saw him again. O.K. 0/2. At this point we are not happy, but decide to hang in there and keep at it until dark. Night came, and everyone went to sleep. We put out two sword rods, but only caught one ESCOLAR. They say they are sushi grade eating, but damn they are ugly! Anyone want it?lol
In the morning, we eased back to the line and decided to work at it hard. Around 0900...wham...huge Blue hooked up and rocketing away from the boat. We back down hard, and start getting line back none to soon. Just then...slack...NOOOO not again. Marlana reels in the line to find the marlin's bill had chaffed the line to the diameter of dental floos and snapped it....300# mono..damn! Must have been hooked just right to do that.
O.K., at this point I'm ready to head to the barn. We have lost billfish, but never three in a row! Marlana and crew said they wanted one more shot. We finally got it around 10. Bam...nice little fish on a 50 #.. Fish went deep after first run...Marlana had to work her tail off to get that fish up. Finally, around an hour later...Woodley grabs the leader...yeah. 1/4 to finish the day. The fish measured out at 98 inches but it was pretty fat. We were happy to see that was enough to take first in the tourney.
Thanks to my crew..Josh Hiller and Dave Woodley. Marlana hung in there like a champ..and ended up a happy angler. She must have reeled in 50 fish this weekend...she's gonna be sore tomorrow.
Congrats to Keith Johnson on his win. Way to go Keith..told you those big boys were no match for you and Craig!
Tight lines,