Tuesday, April 29, 2008


The weather report looked good for today, so we decided to round up the usual crew and head offshore. It was an absolutely georgeous day on the water. Not too hot, with a nice 15 kt breeze to keep us cool. Seas were about 2-3 picking up a bit in the afternoon. We decided to head to the nipple and troll towards the elbow. Josh, Marlana and Woodley put the usual seven rod spread out, and we headed south from the nipple. The water was blue with lots of bait and scattered grass. I was thinking to myself that this was going to be a good day of fishing when I see a broomstick crashing the starboard rigger. Woodley made a nice drop back on the fish, but it came unglued. The fish then slammed Josh's port rigger, and headed to Mexico with a blue and white islander stuck in it's mouth. Marlana got harnessed up in the chair and the fight was on. The fish hit at around 0730, and proceeded to test Marlana's will. If anyone knows my wife, she is pretty stubborn, and would not give up on this fish. She had double line on the rod after about 45", but the fish was still pretty green. It stripped off another couple hundred yards, and then decided to go deep. We planed her off, and got her back on the surface where she proceeded to put on a nice show tail-walking across the surface. There was another sport fish watching, but I didn't get the name??? Forum member?? Well, Marlana kept the heat on the fish, and we got her boatside. The fish looked exhausted, and so did my wife! This fish was an easy 300 plus, and thick. Woodley tried to leader the fish, but the hook pulled right at the boat. Upon inspection, the mustad 9/0 stainless 7732 gap had opened up during the fight. Oh well, still an incredible fish, and it was nice to see my wife get her to the boat in under an hour!!!!! We'll take that palm beach release any day! I'll check my pics and post them later. So...we are pretty pumped, and get the lines back out at about 0830. We trolled down to the elbow without a bite. I decided to head back where the blue ate, and no sooner do we get there when the starboard rigger pops again. I saw a splash that looked like a mahi, and told woodley just to crank it in fast so we didn't have to reset the spread. Needless to say, Woodley (who very rarely reels 'em in...usually is the wire man) had this fish to the boat in less than five minutes. It gets to the transom and I see a bill!!!!!!! Marlana has the gaff in her hand and Hiller is getting ready to wire it when I yell "BILLFISH." Marlana drops the gaff, and Hiller proceeds to get an azz whoopin by a very angry and green billfish. He subdues the fish, and we all get a good look at it and realize it's a SPEARFISH! I estimate the fish at around 50 lbs, and it's bill was only about 6 inches. Josh couldn't even get two hands on the bill. We release that fish and are pretty psyched....first spearfish ever for my crew and I. I think we were all very pumped, except, perhaps for hiller whose arms were pretty tore up from that lil' feller. Oh well, he'll get over that soon. We trolled until around 2pm with only a couple more knock downs. (a chicken dolphin and a cuda) The wind was kicking up....we were more than happy with our day fishing....so we headed to the barn. Back at the dock at 1530...boat cleaned...and at the house by 1700. Marlana's making pasta, so I'm out. Will post pics later. Oh yeah...the best part of the day came back at the dock. Since Woodley is the wireman...(and a damn good one at that) he usually doesn't reel 'em in. So...even though he has been clean up man on many billfish...(finishing the fight for tired anglers) he has never officially caught a billfish from strike to hookset to wire to release. We made sure he paid the price. (pics to follow.) How's that nasty seville harbour water taste Woodman??? Nice dunk Hiller. Tight lines, Dave